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Smartportrait for Companies: Who Will Take my Photo?

In this article, we present the best methods for creating smartportraits for your employees. Find the solution that suits your company’s needs.

Family, friends, work colleagues

smartportrait is a service that allows you to create a professional business portrait anytime and anywhere. Of course, the best way to do this is as a couple. Our professionally developed instructions guide both you and the person taking your photo through the process step by step. For example, a family member or friend can photograph you at home, or one of your work colleagues at the office.

The perfect opportunity for employee portraits

Induction days and staff turnover
Do you have regular induction days? It can be useful for someone in your company to familiarize themselves with the smartportrait instructions. For example, as a receptionist or secretary, you are an important point of contact for all external and internal employees and could take photos of new hires.

Events and team gatherings
Company events can also be a great opportunity for new employee portraits. Perhaps the annual company meeting that brings together employees from all over the world?

Similarly, team events and retreats are particularly convenient, as ideally, the entire team is present. Perhaps someone volunteers to take the portrait for all team members at once, or you take turns shooting each other. Tip: Photography as a team-building activity in groups!

Do It Yourself

Are you alone and no one is available to take a photo of you? No problem! Just use a tripod or improvise with pieces of furniture. The guide for our customers will show you how to shoot your perfect smartportrait yourself.